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【Heart Disease and Health】present common and professional knowledge on heart disease and health promotion, suitable for the general public, patients (to understand common knowledge 

  and professional notion) , and health professionals (to learn or review professional knowledge).

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                                       Andrew Ying-Siu Lee, MD,PhD.


       Diet control is important.  It can promote health and minimize progress of diseases, relieve symptoms,

and avoid complications and improve life quality.


       Basically, in order to be healthy, one should have balanced diet.  Balanced diet means ample (but not

too much or too less) calories, fat, cholesterol, salt, iron, calcium, vitamin E, fibers etc., so as to include every

nutrient elements and factors.  Therefore, we must eat properly, not too much nor too less, and include the

basic six variety of food :-

1.     meat, fish, bean, egg

2.      cereals

3.      daily products (milk, cheese etc)

4.      oils (cooking oil, nuts etc)

5.      vegetables

6.      fruits

       We must also avoid eating spicy or artificial foods, and to take fresh food.


       Diet is related to heart diseases, such as :-

1.    Obesity : related to hypertension, heart disease, diabetes mellutis, stroke,

                        fatty liver, gout, cancer

2.  salt   : related to hypertension, heart disease, stroke

3.      low oil, low cholesterol : reduce cardiovascular diseases and cancers

4.      ample amount of calcium, sugars, zinc, fiber, iron : reduce atherosclerosis


       The following is a simple diet control table :-

FOOD                                              PREFER                                                   AVOID

Meat                                 fish, slim meat, poultry (without                      fatty food, internal organs,

                                         skin), sea foods, shells, natural                       frozen food, artificial food,

                                         soup                                                               (eg.smoked and dried meat),

                                                                                                                spicy soup


Cereals                             rice, flour, natural cereals                               cake, snack, candy, drinks,

                                        and beans                                                       fried potato, potato chip


Daily products                 low fat milk and cheese                        full fat milk and cheese, ice cream, chocolate


Eggs                                egg white                                                       egg yolk, preserved eggs


Oils                                 vegetable oils                                                 animal oils, butter, fried food


Vegetables                      fresh vegetables                                   artificial, preserved or canned vegetables


Fruits                              fresh fruits                                            artificial, preserved or canned fruits


Spices                                                                                                   salt, MSG, other flavorings


       In short, aside from compliance, patients should have diet control, follow the above table, keep ideal

body weight, maintain regular exercise, ample rest and sleep, control emotion and tension, stop smoking and

alcohol abuse, then the disease condition can be stabilized and improved.


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