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【Heart Disease and Health】present common and professional knowledge on heart disease and health promotion, suitable for the general public, patients (to understand common knowledge 

  and professional notion) , and health professionals (to learn or review professional knowledge).

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                                  EMOTION   CONTROL

                                                     Andrew Ying-Siu Lee, MD,PhD.


       In this high technology, competitive, challenging civilized world, to live and struggle is stressful and cannot

be forbidden.  Optimal stress can stimulate us to cope with the environment, to learn and to succeed higher achievement. 

However, if the stress is too much or too persistent, it will reduce our compatibility leading to emotional and

physiological disturbances such as fear, helpless, anger, depression and the following psychosomatic reactions

(known as psychosomatic disease) :-

       cardiovascular system                                               hypertension, hypotension, angina, arrhythmia

       respiratory system                                                     asthma, hyperventilation

       gastrointestinal system                                              peptic ulcer, colitis, anorexia, vomiting,  constipation

       endocrine/metabolic system                                      diabetes mellutis, polyphagia, anorexia, 

                                                                                        hyperthyroidism, obesity

       nervous system                                                         headache, sympathetic dysfunction

       urological system                                                      irritable bladder, frequent urination

       musculoskeletal system                                             rheumatoid arthritis, myalgia, cramp

       dermatological system                                              neurodermatitis, itch, sweating, urticaria, rash, wart

       ear/nose/throat                                                          tinnitus, hearing impairment, menier syndrome

       eye                                                                            blur vision

       obstetric/gynecology                                                abnormal menstration, dysuterine bleeding,

                                                                                        menopausal disturbance, infertility

       “The cause of stress is mostly yourself!”  So only you can help yourself to solve it!  In daily living, we seldom

encounter positive emotion such as happiness and joy, but those negative emotion such as fear, anger, sorrow, nuisance

come so often.  In our endeavor such as study, work, marriage, health, fame, power, wealth, it is also seldom successful. 

As a matter of fact, the above idea comes from our self aspiration, expectation and desire, which are always not exactly

satisfied.  We must aware the fact that we were born bringing nothing to the world, and will die carrying nothing from the

world.  So do not mind so much about gain and loss.  Do not desire to earn the whole world.  The severity of psychosomatic

disorders depends on body fitness, compatibility and personality (thought, belief, expectation, manner, value etc).  Stress

may come from physiological, psychological and environment factors.  Life naturally will encounter happiness, anger,

sorrow, fear, nuisance, love etc from time to time.  Therefore, whenever we encounter stress, we must cope with it, with

compatibility, confidence and wisdom.  We must face and accept ourselves, face the realistic world (with no fantasy) and

criticize our belief, thought and personality, then understand the stress and conflict and make appropriate adjustments. 

Then overcome the stress with pleasure, optimistic and positive emotion.  Believe that “today is new day, good day

and realistic day”.


       Life is strengthened by stress.  Life is interrupted with pleasure and sorrow, gain and loss.  Without emotional

control, stress will damage our physical and psychological well being.  In order to satisfy our “id, ego and superego”

with pleasure and harmony, we must also make use of the following :-

1.        Good sleep :  sleeplessness will elicit emotional upset

2.        Balanced diet :  strengthen your power to conquer stress

3.        regular life style and exercise : improve body fitness, reduce sympathetic

                        reactions, stabilize emotion

4.        relax (body and mind) : meditation, breathing exercise, yoga, chi kung etc.

5.        work and leisure

6.        strengthen your mind : criticize yourself, control your mind with

confidence and compatibility, recognize and

control the environmental factors, understand and

accept yourself, avoid psychological conflict

7.        involve in social activities, human relation and charity, so as to get help

whenever you encounter stress.

8.        “Knowledge is power!” :  we easily get upset because we lack

knowledge.  So learn to be open-minded, learn

to overcome fear (then fear will turn to be

confidence), learn to have solid and compatible

personality, learn to be optimistic and positive

emotion, learn the meaning and pleasure of life,

learn to thank God etc.


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