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【Heart Disease and Health】present common and professional knowledge on heart disease and health promotion, suitable for the general public, patients (to understand common knowledge 

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                   DIET  CONTROL  FOR  GOUT  PATIENTS

                                                                            Andrew Ying-Siu Lee, MD,PhD.


        Gout is secondary to acculmulation of uric acid (hyperuricemia), with crystal precipitation at joints or

other tissues.  Uric acid is the metabolite of purine (a component of our body's nucleic acid).  Aside from

drinking plenty of water (to aid uric acid excretion) and avoid eating too much, alcohol, fried food, gout

patients should also avoid high purine foods (thereby uric acid production) such as meat, beans, offal, yeast,

shellfish, sardines, herring, bacon, alcohol etc.


        Gouty patients should know the following diet table:-

                                   low purine food            medium purine food                          high purine food

grains and cereals       grains and cereals


meat, egg                              egg                        chicken, pork, beef, lamb                        offal


sea food                      sea cucumber,                  fish, eel, shrimp, crab, abalone,               milkfish, shark, sardine, shellfish,

                                   sea jelly                            fish fin                                                     compoy, dried small fish


bean                                                                    beancurd, dried beancurd,                       soybean, sprouts

                                                                           soyabean, mungbean, red bean,

                                                                           black bean


vegetable                    green vegetable               tarragon, string bean, pea, garlic,             pea shoot, soybean sprout,

                                                                           agaricus, needle mushroom                     asparagus, mushroom


fruit                            fruit


fat                              animal or vegetable oil       peanut, cashew


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