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【Heart Disease and Health】present common and professional knowledge on heart disease and health promotion, suitable for the general public, patients (to understand common knowledge 

  and professional notion) , and health professionals (to learn or review professional knowledge).

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                                  HEATH   FOOD

                                                  Andrew Ying-Siu Lee, MD,PhD.


=  Dietary supplement

-         Provide nutrients, regulate body functions, promote immunity, prevent diseases, and promote health.

-         The function of health food is between diet and medicine, with no therapeutic effects (only medicine

     can cure diseases).


              So in order to avoid disease, believe in medicine, and in order to avoid aging, believe in life therapy.


-         Indications of health food:-

1.        unbalanced diet

2.        certain health conditions such as vegetarian, chronic illness, senescence etc.

-         For product enquiry and technical assistance, please email:  sunanong@hotmail.com


                              CLASSIFICATION  OF  HEALTH  FOOD


TYPES                                                   SOURCES                                              PRODUCTS


1. plants                                                   root, stem                                               ginseng, garlic etc…

                                                                flower                                                     pollen …

                                                                leaf                                                         aloe, green tea

                                                                fruit                                                        cranberry

                                                                fat                                                          wheat germ


2. animals                                                fat                                                          fish oil

                                                                internal organ                                        placenta

                                                                bone                                                      shark cartilage

                                                                shell                                                       oyster shell

                                                                insect                                                     propolis, honey


3. microorganisms                                   fungi                                                     yeast, monascus

                                                                bacteria                                                 lactobacillus

                                                                mushroom                                            Blazei mushroom,

                                                                                                                             Reishi mushroom,


                                                               seaweed                                                 chlorella, antrodia

                                                               fementation                                            soybean, vinegar


4. special regimen                                  active ingredients                                   carotenoids,

                                                               extracted from animals                          phytoestrogen,

                                                               or plants                                                flavonoids


5. enzymes and coenzymes                                                                                 Q10


6. hormones                                                                                                        melatonin, DHEA,

                                                                                                                            growth hormone



                                                      COMMON  HEALTH  FOOD


TYPES                                      COMPOSITION                                        EFFECTS (non-therapeutic)


Reishi mushroom                      ganodenic acid,                                            promote immunity, antiaging,

                                                  polysaccharide,                                            improve circulation, stabilize

                                                  protein, vitamins,                                         blood pressure and blood sugar,

                                                  minerals, etc.                                                antiallergic, anti-neoplastic etc..


Ginseng                                     ginsenoids                                                   cardiovascular , liver and neurological

                                                                                                                      disease, promote immunity


Cordyceps                                  cordycepin,                                                 bronchitis, promote immunity

                                                  cordycepic acid,



Dong Quai                                 ligustilide, vitamins,                                    postmenopausal syndrome,

                                                  minerals                                                       dysmenorrheal, vitamin B12

                                                                                                                      deficiency anemia


Soybean                                    bioregulators eg.                                          anticoagulation, stabilize blood

                                                  enzymes, bacilli                                          pressure, diabetic mellitus,

                                                 protein, vitamins,                                         cardiovascular disease,

                                                                                                                     anti-neoplastic, prevent



Monascus                                 monacolin                                                    hyperlipidemia, neurologic and

                                                protein                                                          skeletal disease


Propolis                                   bioflavenoids                                                stomatosis, common cold,

                                                                                                                     wound healing


Pollen                                      bioflavenoids,                                               gastrointestinal upsets,

                                                vitamins, minerals                                         skin disease


Collagen                                  collagen                                                        skin and cardiovascular disease,

Grape seed                              oligomeric proanthocyanidins                       arthritis, diabetic mellitus,

Fish oil                                    omega-3 fatty acid                                         senile dementia, antiaging,

                                                                                                                      promote immunity


Blazei mushroom                    glucans, protein, fiber                                    bioregulators, promote

                                                                                                                      immunity (not suitable for

                                                                                                                      renal or cancer patients)


Aloe                                        carbohydrate,                                                cardiovascular disease,

                                               anthraquinone,                                              diabetic mellitus, constipation,

                                               glucosides                                                     wound healing, analgesic,



Tea                                          catechins                                                       prevent infection,

                                                                                                                     gastrointestinal upsets,

                                                                                                                     cardiovascular disease,



Chlorella                                 protein, CGF,                                                promote immunity,

                                               vitamins,                                                       gastrointestinal upsets,

                                               minerals                                                        cardiovascular disease


Shark cartilage                        sulfate                                                           arthritis, cancer

                                               condrontin protein


Condrontin                             condrontin                                                     arthritis,

                                                                                                                     cardiovascular disease


Placenta                                 gamma globulin,                                             antiaging (?)



                                              amino acids, enzymes


DHEA                                   dehydroepiandrosterone                                  cardiovascular disease,

                                                                                                                     promote immunity


Coenzyme Q10                     ubiquinone                                                      antioxidant, diabetic

                                                                                                                     mellitus, cancer,

                             cardiovascular and

                             Parkinson disease,

                             antiaging, promote



Lactobacillus                         lactobacillus acidophilus                                 promote intestinal

                                                                                                                     peristalsis, reduce

                                                                                                                     cholesterol and colon

                                                                                                                     cancer, promote

                                                                                                                     immunity, antiaging


Whey protein                          protein                                                           promote immunity,

                                                                                                                     prevent infection


Carotene                                 carotene                                                         vitamin A deficiency,

                                                                                                                     night blindness, diabetic

                                                                                                                     mellitus, cancer, promote



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